Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thanksgiving was wonderful. It was our first time having Thanksgiving dinner just the four of us, and we loved it. We watched the parade on TV (the boys especially loved the giant Horton balloon) and lay around most of the morning, then Jeff put the turkey in. I had made some food and food preparations the day before, so I didn't get too overwhelmed. Even though it was the four of us we went all out. We had all the traditional stuff - turkey and stuffing, cranberries (from fresh berries, my fav!) and gravy, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, green beans and corn... and of course apple pie and ice cream pumpkin pie (my grandmother's recipe and my favorite!). We loved it all. Somehow we ended up signing "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?" during dinner, which the boys thought was hilarious, especially when we included Nala and Marley... don't ask me how that got started! After dinner we played duck, duck, goose and Go Fish, then we did dishes before pie. We just wanted to have fun, and it was great!

For those of you who have asked, I'm still sick, but getting more and more functional every day. I hope to be in church tomorrow morning. I spent a lot of Thanksgiving morning on the couch, but was really able to enjoy the afternoon of food and fun. Who knows what this awful virus is.

Here are some pics from our Thanksgiving - cranberries just starting to boil, I think that's the prettiest part of cooking Thanksgiving dinner, and dinner served.

I hope your Thanksgiving was great too!!!


Dan and Alenna said...

I need your ice cream pumpkin pie recipe - it sounds delicious! I'm glad that you're starting to feel better and that you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Any chance you'll be in Marion for Christmas?

Alvana said...

I'm leaving the same comment that Alenna left (but I was thinking of it before I looked at what she had to say!)... can I get your ice cream pumpkin pie recipe? I hope it's not a family secret!

Glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving!