Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fun at the Zoo

Our fun summer activities have continued non-stop! We're tired but loving it. Last week some of Jeff's family was here for the weekend, it was so cool to have them visit.

Yesterday I took the boys to the zoo, we stayed for hour, we were just having too much fun to leave! We saw a tiny baby lemur (monkey) that I thought was adorable. Roman liked that it was orange (they turn gray when they're a little older). We went on the boat ride they always beg for, and most exciting of all, we were charged twice by a 300-pound gorilla! The first time I almost peed my pants. Apparently he's started charging at the glass/fence lately when there are big groups of matching children (we were next to a group) because he thinks they are a bigger pack then his pack and he's trying to show that this is his area. Let me tell you, I do not EVER want to face a gorilla like him in the wild. I have never seen anything like that!

On the other hand, a cute little bonobo (like a gorilla, but smaller) was showing off for us. He was right next to the glass where we were with a few other people and was dancing around and doing somersaults. He was cracking us up, it was adorable!

What a fun day...

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Chris surprised the boys with a big trampoline (and enclosure) as an early birthday present. Here they are they're first time on it (they were up late, it took a lot longer than we thought to set it up!):

And a few days later we had a JUMP party and picnic with a bunch of our friends!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


It's been a while since I've been on. I guess we've just been busy busy busy enjoying our summer. Here's an update on some of the things we've done lately. A picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll use lots of pictures and keep my writing short! :)

We made homemade "sponge-balls" for some water fun:

We also made homemade "foam machines" for some bubble fun!

We had a short but very sweet visit from dear friends, here are my boys with Aiden & Seth:

And of course, we've been into a LOT of dirt!

We made friends with a little green frog:

We had a blast "helping" Daddy build a fort and playing in it. (Turns out Momma is good at a lot of things, but fort-building is not one of them. :)

And, we got a new tire swing and have been swinging a lot. We loved the old tire swing, but it was so big it kept stretching the rope and hitting the ground, so it was hard to actually swing on it.

That's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed the update. I'm off to the fort with Trey!

(PS - Martha & Heather, I responded to your comments in the comment section from my last post, you can check it out!)