Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scrapbooking Again

Between my internet business keeping me occupied during any available computer time and the computer issues we had for a couple of weeks, I haven't done much scrapbooking lately. Tonight I got into it again and remembered how much I love it. Here's a page I did from some January pictures. If you can't read the bottom left it says: Roman: "Momma, is it okay if Trey blows his bubbles all the way to the ceiling?"

Still at the Flower Shop

I never followed up with another post about working at the flower shop. I've had a lot of fun and apparently done sufficiently well because the owner, Jill, has asked me to stay on. She's having surgery in a few weeks and needs to know she has some people who can manage things while she's gone. One of my amazing friends has offered to watch the kids one day a week for now, so I'll work one weekday and Saturdays between now and the surgery, then help out as much as I can for a couple of weeks. I am flattered by the confidence she's shown in me - even leaving me alone in the shop a couple of times! I've loved learning about flowers and arranging them. I have learned some cool techniques of how things are done.

Oh and Saturday my boss sent me home with enough pink, yellow and white daisies to fill three vases around my house! They're old enough that she doesn't want to sell them and have them wilt quickly for a paying customer, but not so old that they're not beautiful. So she gave them to me. :) Nice perk of the job!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Coffee Mug

I stumbled upon this mug not too long ago at Target and had to get it, it's the most-stated "rule" at our house!

This family rule was not well-followed today. It was an especially whiny day. I wanted so much to have fun with the kids and relax as the whole last week has been go-go-go busy, and instead we seemed to battle through the day. I can't say there weren't some fun times and silly games, but there was a lot of difficulty as well.

Oh well, tomorrow's another day.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I caught this cute picture the other day when I kicked the dogs out of the kitchen while we were eating. They left the kitchen, but that's as far as they went!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trying Something New

I have a temporary job that has kept me busy this week. I've always wanted to try working in a flower shop, so a week or two ago I called around asking if anyone needed extra help for Valentine's day. I actually got a couple of interested shops and have been working at Flowers On High this week! I'm having a lot of fun doing it. I've really enjoyed the people that work there and the many various tasks I've learned, or at least tried to learn! I've even done a few small flower arrangements, although not without help and guidance. Tonight at home I took an order for a friend of Jeff's who is afraid he didn't order in time to get something for his girl. My boss will be happy when I show up to work tomorrow with an order in hand! :)

One of the best parts is that I'm crossing something off my "things I want to do... someday" list. How cool is that? I am kind of proud of myself for pursuing something just for the sake of trying it.

If I'm too tired to write again before Saturday, Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Let the little children come unto me" -Jesus

Yesterday was a big day. My precious Trey asked Jesus to be his Savior and live in his heart. Trey has been asking Jeff to take him to work again, and since he was only going in for a couple of hours on a Saturday he decided yesterday was a good day. It was clearly God's intent as well. They ended up being in the car for quite a while together and talked a lot. They talked about God and heaven and Trey chose to pray with Jeff asking Jesus to live in his heart. I was in tears when they came home and told me. I love discussing it with him and hearing his child-like faith.

Thank you God!