Sunday, May 31, 2009


Trey has been asking me for a while if we could make a pillow for his bed. He has a standard pillow, but he wanted one made just for him. I came up with the idea to just make a pillow case instead (Alenna, I think your blog gave me the idea, thanks!), and when I explained that he could pick whatever material he wanted he loved the idea. Jeff was gone for most of today and I wasn't working, so it was a good day for a project. We went to Walmart and checked out the material. Trey quickly settled on Transformers and Roman on Lightning McQueen (from Cars). At home I got out my beloved sewing machine and started in. It was a simple project and they were done quickly. Here are the boys, happily settled into bed on their new pillows!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I think it's finally here! (Summertime that is.)

Jeff's parents came for a couple of days this weekend and we made our first trip of the season to the beach at Alum Creek where we had a great time even though the water was pretty chilly.

Check out Trey's pic when Jeff lifted the bucket off the first piece of sand castle!

We also had our first bonfire of the season, complete with s'mores! Yum!

The fire was Monday evening with our friends Clay and Carrie and their kids Logan and Lauren. They spent most of the afternoon and evening enjoying Memorial Day with us - grilling out, walking in the woods, and of course the fire!

Playing in (and on) and "re-designing" the fort:

Me and Moe enjoying the day:

Hanging around and getting the fire going... I think Jeff was collecting more wood:

Roman and Lauren enjoying their s'mores (and the dogs hoping they will drop something!):

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ups and Downs

It's been a while since I've posted. Jeff's still on the job search. I worked a full week this past week at the flower shop where I've been working part time. It's a fun place to work, but I was exhausted from being on my feet and I missed being home with the boys. How do working moms get everything done? Jeff was home with the kids and kept up with some of the housework, but when does the rest get done? By the time I got home from work, had dinner, did bedtime with the kids, I just wanted to crash! I'm not working today so I've done the floors and laundry to get caught up.

For the most part we've really had peace in trusting God to provide a job and our financial needs. Some days have gotten harder as time goes on though. It's been three weeks tomorrow morning and it's harder to remain confident. My knowledge of God's abilities has not changed, but keeping my mind and emotions from wandering away from that is getting harder. It's like the movie-style angel and demon on my shoulders with the one whispering about God never letting us down and the other whispering that it's been three weeks, what are we going to do... some days it takes a lot of effort to keep my focus on the right character.

Anyway. Yesterday of course was Mothers' Day. It was beautiful here. I enjoyed being at church, then came home and took a long nap. I'm not usually a big napper and I didn't want to sleep that long, but I was really worn out. I was served dinner and Jeff even made a cake for me! I think this afternoon we're going to go walk the dam, which was our plan for yesterday afternoon until we all fell asleep!

Happy mothers' day to all you moms out there, I hope it was great!