Saturday, November 17, 2007


Another fun day watching the BUCKEYES WIN!

I saw my neighbor the other day and she gave me a copy of this adorable picture she took of her daughter Lily trick-or-treating with Trey. So cute I have to share! :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Too much!

I had too much to do today. I did it, but I'm exhausted. Errands (with two "animals", as Jeff called them) took up a lot of the day. Doesn't sound like much, but trust me, it was a lot. Then tonight after the boys went to bed I started cooking and baking. Tomorrow is the BIG GAME and there was much to be done. I think I'm done for tonight though now, phew! Go BUCKS!

Here's an amusing anecdote from traveling with the boys last week:

I got pulled over for speeding in Cleveland (that's not the amusing part). I warned the boys to be quiet while I talked to the officer, and they were. It wasn't until he walked away that Trey, having seen his gun, asked: "Mommy, why didn't he shoot you?"

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Long day!

Jeff and I had the weekend "off", the kids went to NY to visit grandparents. We had a great time - dinner with friends Friday, tailgating and the game with friends on Saturday, then Sunday after church all to ourselves!

I left home Monday morning to meet Jeff's mom in Erie - about half way. It takes about 3.5 hours for me to get there. I was almost to Erie when Barb called and said her ball joint on the car snapped and her wheel fell off! They were in Buffalo when it happened, but, thank God, they were stopped at a toll booth when it happened and nobody was hurt. I don't doubt that was a miracle!

A tow truck came to get them and I had to drive to Buffalo and meet them at a car shop. Meanwhile, Trey was sick as a dog, puking and diarrhea. I considered going back to our parents' to stay the night, or asking family in Jamestown if I could stay so that Trey could rest, but it seemed better to just get home. We did make it home, but I ended up being on the road for almost 12 hours.

Rough day!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


We had so much fun last night! We left our bowl of candy outside the door so that we could all go together. We walked around our court, then headed through the community to our close friends' house. There were a LOT of people out, we saw tons of fun costumes, and collected a lot of candy. Along the way we ran into our neighbors and we all walked together - Trey and their daughter Lily are friends, so they loved trick-or-treating together. Roman liked it, but he got tired quick and stayed in the wagon about half the time. We made it all the way to Kim & Andrew's, then headed home on the opposite side. By the time we got home we were ALL tired... just not too tired to sample a few candies before bed!

Check out our adorable SpiderMEN: