Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busy Week

Thank God I'm feeling better, I need all my strength this week! It's been hectic already and it's only Tuesday night. Jeff threw out his back Sunday evening, so he's taken my place shuffling between bed, shower and couch. While caring for him (although I must say that he hasn't asked for much) I've also been trying to get ready for my in-laws coming to visit and Trey's birthday and party this weekend as well as a friend's baby shower, and bake about 15 dozen cookies for the shower and get all prepared for a few very busy days online with my internet business. I wanted to get as much done in these last couple of days as possible so that I will be free to focus on the business during these next few days while I'm in a position to have a lot of work coming in. If you're a prayer warrior friend of mine I'd love prayers for Jeff's back, my business this week in particular and all our activities this weekend.

I'll let you know how things go, and you can be sure I'll have birthday pictures up next week too!


KEI said...

I will be praying for you! What's your business? I'm thinking something to do with photography, but not sure. Just curious! Love ya!

Carla said...

It's a form of marketing called incentivized marketing. You can check out my informational site if you're really curious: http://freebietrader3.weebly.com/index.html

KEI said...

Okay, I'll check it out. Thanks!