Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It's Wednesday, I've had to remind myself of that a few times today. Who knows why, I just kept losing track. The boys and I had two friends over today to dye Easter eggs with us. It was a blast. A little crazy, but worth it. The eggs look wonderful.

Roman is my potty-training champion. He's amazing. Really. I can't take credit for his training, I was opposed to doing it this soon! He's pretty much done it himself. Thank you God! Compared to our drawn-out struggles with potty training Trey, Roman was like a light switch. One day he was in diapers, the next, underwear. Yeah for Roman! Now what to do with that big cupboard that has held diapers for as long as we've been in this house...


Anonymous said...

I had the opposite struggles. Em was super fast and Ab took a bit longer. Not as long as Trey though. I think with Ab it was b/c of me not keeping on top of it. (you know the whole "I got 2 kids now" thing).

Dan and Alenna said...

Go Roman! That's awesome!!