Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Thanks girls

So apparently a couple of my girlfriends thing it's amusing that I'm writing in a blog because they seem to believe there is a lot of drama in my life. You know who you are girls. :) Maybe they're right though, it does always seem to be something, doesn't it? At coffee tonight (thank God for Starbucks and girlfriends when Momma needs a night out!) we were talking about Roman's latest trip to the ER and Ann wanted to know how many times in the past year I've been to the emergency room. I don't know off the top of my head, but I do know that I have not been a patient in an ER for years. Knock on wood. It just seems like I take other people quite often.

It was a rough day today. The kids were a little off their game, Jeff was not around, work's been crazy for him too, it was just not an easy day. I did add black-out liner to the boys' curtains though, the summer sun shines right in their window in the morning and wakes Roman up earlier then I think he would otherwise. I can't complain though, they're great sleepers.

Deb brought Ava over for a little while today, that baby is in love with Trey! She smiles every time she sees him! It's adorable.

Off to see what's going on with American Idol... go Blake!

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