Friday, May 11, 2007


Yesterday Trey had his swimming class. He's amazing. It's a six week class - once per week, and it's a parent class, meaning I go in with him. This was our fourth week. We have so much fun together. Yesterday he was the star of his class once again. He spent half the class telling me "let go Mommy so I can swim by myself"! Of course, he has flotation devices on him, but he was the only one telling a parent to let go! I was a proud momma.

Right now he's out with the neighbor running through the sprinkler. He's adorable with his skinny little body and no shirt on.

Roman has become interested in the potty. Yesterday he told me "Pobby Momma, pobby", his diaper was dry, I put him on the potty and he peed and pooped. Talk about proud momma, he's only 18 months! I'm not going to push it at this point, but maybe he'll potty train easier then Trey did. My mom says maybe I earned an easy one after Trey!

In a couple hours Jeff's brother Chris and his girlfriend Jessica will be here for the weekend. Chris only has one more week of leave before he goes back to his base. Jeff's especially excited to have him coming down. It'll be fun.

Off to finish the cleaning...

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