Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Shower!

'As I said, the main event for my trip to NY was my sister-in-law's baby shower. Mickae married my little brother almost 2 1/2 years ago, and I'm so glad. She's really wonderful and a good fit for my brother. They are expecting their first child sometime around December 17th and I can hardly wait. For three years now Roman has been the baby in my family and Jeff's. It's been fun, but I'm excited for there to be a new baby for me to squeeze! Jacob, I can't wait to meet you! :)

The shower was a big success. We had fun and great food. My mom planned a cool activity where everyone made birthday cards for Jake to open - one each year up to age 18! It was fun and very funny. Mickae was blessed with some great gifts, and I think she had a lot of fun too.

This is the diaper cake I made that we used as decoration, and Mickae got to take all the diapers home to use on Jake!

Here are Mickae and her mom, her mom made that blanket for baby Jake and I'm so glad she got to come up to this shower with us!

And, as is tradition, my mom made a beautiful blanket for her newest grandbaby too:

1 comment:

Martha said...

We went to Leta's first baby shower today and saw a "cake" much like the one you made. Next Sunday is the church shower. This baby will be well dressed!