Monday, June 16, 2008


Life seems to be moving faster than I can keep up! I got to spending quite a bit of time catching up with a girlfriend tonight and we laughed about watching each others' blogs and how neither of us have posted anything new lately. Of course, she has the handy excuse of no internet access while they're in the process of moving... I do not have that handy excuse, but I can say that life has kept us spinning lately. Last week we had a wedding and two funerals, and no, that's not the name of a movie. Two of Jeff's family members passed away and in between the funerals Jeff was a groomsman in another wedding. It was quite an emotional roller coaster.

Now that we're home from all that and hopefully things are a little calmer I'm trying to catch up on other fun things - you know, laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, etc., etc. People keep asking if I'm done unpacking. I don't think it's ever taken me more than a month to unpack before... but I also never moved with two little ones before. :) Most of the house is unpacked, although the office is still a dumping ground. Once the final boxes are gone I'll tackle my projects list - things like organizing the closets more the way I want them, refinishing the dining room table, teaching my kids Latin... (just kidding on that last one).

Toward the end of our conversation tonight my girlfriend and I were talking about books we've read lately. Neither of us have a ton of reading time with little ones running around, but we both try to squeeze some in. I haven't read an actual book since before the moving process started, but I think she inspired me to go start one tonight, so here I go!

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