Friday, June 27, 2008


Ugh. I've had this headache for 23 hours now. It had me up during the night even, and I usually sleep through everything. The boys are grumpy. Roman has been throwing fits about everything. (I'm sure part of that is just being two.)

I'm trying to get my day back on track by taking a few minutes to vent (to you!) while I sip my coffee. Roman has been temporarily confined to his room for screaming at me and Trey is amusing himself downstairs. Thank you God for a moment of peace. Please give us contentment and happiness today. Help me to enjoy the precious parts of being home with them today, rather than being frustrated at the hard parts. And please God, take this headache away. Amen.


Martha said...

Oh, headaches and two year olds do not mix very well. I have slept away many a day due to a headache, so I really do feel your pain. I'll be praying for you today.

Heather said...

Praying for you, Carla. What a great attitude.

Anonymous said...

Awe, Im sorry you get those awful headaches. Not much fun keeping things under control at their ages with out a headache, let alone being in pain. Sorry.