Friday, June 15, 2007

Uncle Mike!

Jeff's brother Mike called us several days ago. He lives in Florida and we hadn't seen him in 2 1/2 years. He'd never met Roman. He called to tell us that he was helping his girlfriend move to Cincinnati in a couple of days and could he see us while he was in Ohio. Of course our answer was YES! So Mike and his girlfriend Jill got here Wednesday afternoon and stayed until late Wednesday night. It was so great to see him. Jeff left work early and came straight home. He was thrilled to have him here. Mike loves kids and the boys could tell. They took right to him and loved every minute with him. We're hoping it's not going to be another 2 1/2 years before we see him again!

Here are some pics from the afternoon. The bottom left one cracks me up because Mike taught Trey to make the "peace" sign and Roman is staring at his hand trying to figure out how to do it too. :)

(just a reminder - click on the image to see a larger version)

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