Friday, June 8, 2007

Trey stories

Trey has given us a couple of good laughs this week. Last night my girlfriend Susie stayed with them while we had a special cell group meeting. She had Roman in bed already and was hanging out on the couch watching Curious George with Trey. She dozed off, and when she woke up Trey had gotten himself completely ready for bed by himself!

Earlier in the day yesterday Trey and I were playing a silly game we play where he names people I love. He said I loved him and Moe, then he stopped and said "Mommy, I love Moe mucher then you."

Last but not least, Trey has been amused by Eskimo kisses lately. I told him that Eskimos live where it's really really cold out and they have to rub noses to kiss because if they use their mouths they will freeze and get stuck together. He tried to explain it to Jeff later and told him "they have to kiss with noses because it's really cold and their mouths will get really sticky"!

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