Sunday, March 14, 2010


Jeff got a job!!! He got the official offer on Thursday, although we were pretty sure it was coming before that. It's with Ohio Health, a big company that's well-known for being a great company to work for. He'll be working in the brand-new Dublin hospital doing admissions. He's super excited about all the technology they have, being so new. It's kind of an entry type position, but their policy is that once you've been with the company a year you can transfer anywhere within. They offer great benefits too, which will be such a relief.

As far as scheduling and my job, we don't know yet. We're not planning on me quitting, but we truly have not had time to sit down and figure out what our schedule will be.

Thank you for your prayers. Please keep praying; for the craziness that is about to commence with a new job, new schedule, etc., etc., for our financial situation as it is again about to change and we're not sure how that's going to look, and for our family!


Dan and Alenna said...

An answer to prayer - awesome! We're praying for you guys as you adjust to a new normal!

Alvana said...


KEI said...

Praise the Lord indeed! That is awesome news and we are so happy for you guys! Congratulations!