Thursday, September 3, 2009

Three down, countless to go...

School morning good-byes that is. I cried again this morning! (Although not as much as the first two days.) I think the emotional aspect of it is magnified by life being difficult right now. If life in general is pushing my limits, saying good-bye to my baby in the morning is going to be even harder, right?

I took him to school this morning, for various reasons, then asked the teacher if she minded me hanging out for the first 15-20 minutes until I had to go to work. She graciously welcomed me in and I was a very happy observer. She is energetic and yet calm with the kids. She was very engaging with their morning routine and the kids were very responsive. I loved the cute morning things she does - calendar, weather, a counting activity based on how many school days there have been, etc. She encouraged participation and I loved seeing Trey get involved. I feel very confident in his teacher and thank God for that. This would be even harder if I didn't feel comfortable with her!

Tomorrow is pizza day at school and Trey asked tonight how to buy a lunch. I told him I was thinking about going to have lunch at school with him the first time he buys so that I can help him, then asked him if he wanted to do that or try it himself. He knows I'm working tomorrow and defninitely wants pizza, so he asked if I could just tell him instead! I'm sure this is one of those moments I need to let him grow up. After all, it is his school, they're not going to let him go hungry, right?

That said, I'm off to deposit money in his lunch account so he can buy for the first time tomorrow... sniff, sniff...

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