Monday, September 17, 2007

Catching Up

Life just keeps going, and we try to keep up. Last week, after my last post, poor little Marley got sick. Then he got sicker. We were at the vet three times in two days. Marley wouldn't eat or drink anything, but he kept throwing up. He got skinnier and skinner, he looked starved. We were giving him water from an eye dropper to keep his fluids up, but we didn't think he was going to make it. He proved us all wrong though! He has improved SO much and it seems like he's going to be fine.

We took him with us this weekend when we went to NY. Jeff's parents were hosting a pig roast and wanted our help... or maybe they just
wanted the boys to be there. :) It was a fun weekend, but very busy. We all came home fighting a cold and needing some sleep.

Here are Trey and Grandma:

Me and the boys on the trampoline:

And Marley catching some Zzz's:

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