Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Decade

As of yesterday I am now 30 years old. A whole new decade. Some call it "old". I prefer not to. I'm sad for my 20s to be over, but mostly just because I want time to stop. I like being (relatively) young. I like having young kids and a young-ish (hee hee) husband. But I'm excited too, a new decade is a new beginning. An entire 10-year span to do what I want with. I hope I become wiser in my 30s. That's what I really want. Solomon prayed for wisdom and got it, maybe I will too!

So, how was my birthday? Wonderful. I spent the whole day with my family. They brought me my breakfast in bed - ice cream of course! (In our family the birthday person gets ice cream for breakfast!) It came with coffee and flowers. The morning continued, slow and lazy. We played some games (memory, ring toss), watched a little TV, then Chipotle for lunch! Yum! A bit more laziness before we went out for a hike, it was a beautiful day. For dinner Jeff grilled delicious shish-kabobs (sp?)! Then... drumroll please... my most favorite cake... DQ Ice Cream Cake! And I ate a LOT of it. You only turn 30 once, right? :)


Alvana said...

Your birthday sounds like it was a wonderful day! Welcome to this new decade in your life!

Dan and Alenna said...

I agree - DQ ice cream cake is the best! I'm glad you had a great birthday, and I'm also glad that you're joining those of us that are only "young-ish". :-)