Saturday, September 19, 2009


My sweet little Roman, who is actually getting SO big, has really had a hard time this summer. He's my boy and he doesn't like me going to work. Often he'll ask me in the morning ,"Mommy, can you please stay home today?" It breaks my heart. I kept thinking he would adjust, but he really wants me to be home again. Hopefully I will be at some point... hopefully sooner rather than later.

So now that Trey's going to school he's had another adjustment. He seems to be doing okay with that, he really likes being Daddy's buddy throughout the day.

The thing that really gets to me is the sweet, subtle ways he asks for more time and attention. At night we both go upstairs with the boys to pray with them and tuck them in. Roman has always liked me to snuggle with him, but now he asks if I can snuggle "for a couple more minutes" and "talk about our days". It's so precious to have this little guy asking for details of my day and sharing his too. I absolutely love that time with him.

Oh, Sweet Roman, please don't ever grow up!