Sunday, May 31, 2009


Trey has been asking me for a while if we could make a pillow for his bed. He has a standard pillow, but he wanted one made just for him. I came up with the idea to just make a pillow case instead (Alenna, I think your blog gave me the idea, thanks!), and when I explained that he could pick whatever material he wanted he loved the idea. Jeff was gone for most of today and I wasn't working, so it was a good day for a project. We went to Walmart and checked out the material. Trey quickly settled on Transformers and Roman on Lightning McQueen (from Cars). At home I got out my beloved sewing machine and started in. It was a simple project and they were done quickly. Here are the boys, happily settled into bed on their new pillows!

1 comment:

Dan and Alenna said...

Nice work - the boys both look really excited about their new pillow cases!