Saturday, July 19, 2008

Moving toward success... one little star at a time

As you read on my last post, I did not see any immediate success in my "Roman stayed in bed" chart (and that's putting it nicely as I know from all of you who let me know you are laughing at me). And sure enough, that night, we had the same old struggles. But within a couple of days he stayed in bed and fell asleep for nap (quite by accident I'm sure, he was especially tired that day). Accident or not, we had a big celebration that evening. We put a star on the chart and all of us cheered and sang and tickled and high-fived him. The next day was not successful, but then yesterday we had another celebration and received another star. Tonight he earned another star that he will receive tomorrow morning, bringing us to a grand total of three stars this week. All hard-earned and much-valued stars... hopefully each one encourages him to keep it up!


Martha said...

I'm glad to hear the stars are appearing.

Anonymous said...

Very creative idea, it is not always the easy route to do something like this but hopefully it will be productive.