We left Ohio on Friday (the 28th) with the intention of staying the night in NC at Jeff's dad's house. Unfortunately, due to his dad's delayed flight - he was coming home from his trip to NY - our overnight turned into a two-hour nap. We got to bed at 2:30 AM and the alarm went off at 4:15, since we were needed in FL at a certain time. We hit the snooze until about 4:35 then got up and got on the road. Jeff drove while I got another nap, then we switched and made it to John & Cyndy's house around 1:30.
Jeff and John have been friends since they were kids, and although they've only seen each other a handful of times in the past 15 years, they've stayed close. He's a great guy, so we assumed we would love his bride, although we hadn't met her.
We were right. Cyndy is darling, and their friends are fantastic too. I hung out with Cyndy and her friend Liz while Jeff and John went to get Jeff's tux. After they got back Jeff and I went to check in to our hotel, then headed back to John & Cyndy's for a barbecue, where we met most of the wedding party.
Sunday morning Jeff and I slept in a little, then got up and headed out to Cocoa Beach. We loved seeing the "Welcome to Cocoa Beach" sign, complete with a Tiki head, palm trees... and Christmas trees!

We really enjoyed walking up and down the beach in different areas, collecting shells, wading in the water and seeing the pier. The weather was perfect and we just enjoyed being there together.

After the beach we headed back to our hotel to get dressed and go to the rehearsal, which went really well - even with me standing in for a missing bridesmaid (who made it by the next day). Cyndy's family is Portuguese and her mom and aunts had been cooking all day to host the rehearsal dinner. They are such a sweet family and the food was INCREDIBLE! I ate until I was stuffed, as did everyone else, and there were even leftovers! We stayed for a long time, hanging out, getting to know people, and playing silly games.
Me & Jeff, Liz & Cyndy, John & Jeff, a bunch of the guys:

And, finally, the wedding day arrived. It was so perfect. John & Cyndy looked fantastic, as did Jeff! The wedding went smoothly, despite a little entertainment from an energetic flower girl.
Jeff and me outside the church:

Jeff and John in the church, takes 1 and 2:

The new Mr. & Mrs. Abbey:

We then went on to the reception, which was a huge New Years party. It was a BLAST! We partied at the reception (including a great "best man" toast by Jeff!) until a little after midnight, then the reception broke up and the wedding party moved on to an impromptu after-party out at the hot tub. Even John & Cyndy joined us. It was a great way to bring in the new year! Congratulations John & Cyndy and thanks for including us in your weekend!

Sounds like you had an awesome time! I definitely know what you mean about eating until you were stuffed with all the Portuguese food... that's like how Jake & Hilda's wedding was!
Glad you had a good trip to Florida!!
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