Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Because of some extensive travel plans we're celebrating our family Christmas here with the boys tomorrow. It's nearly midnight and I just finished getting everything ready. Funny thing is, up until about a week ago I thought I was doing great getting everything ready ahead of time - cookies, gifts, wrapping the gifts, cookies, Christmas cards, more cookies... but now that we're down to the wire I'm exhausted and still swamped with an ever-growing to-do list! You know, kids (and husbands) don't have any idea what goes into planning and preparing for big events and travels for a whole family!

Anyway, back to tomorrow's Christmas celebration... I'm SO excited about it! I'm giddy. (Despite the backache and to-do list.) I can't wait to see the boys' eyes get huge when they see their stockings are full and their excitement at seeing their names on presents. It's going to be SO fun! I'm sure I'll be taking tons of pictures and you can be sure I'll post some, so check back soon!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Dan and Alenna said...

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas today! Can't wait to see the pictures!