Happy New Year!
We had a great holiday season! I was pretty sad when we decided we wouldn't be able to go home to NY during the Christmas season as we have for the past several years. That meant not seeing my family, including the brother, sis-in-law and four nieces and nephews that I haven't seen in a year, and the little nephew who just had his first birthday. It is what it is though, and we really enjoyed our time anyway. My in-laws came down for a few days Christmas week and spoiled us; taking us out to dinner and cooking at home for us. We celebrated Christmas and just had a lot of fun. They they took the boys up to NY with them while Jeff and I stayed home. I worked during that week but enjoyed time with Jeff in the evenings and quiet mornings of coffee and hot showers. Then my parents came down New Years day, bringing the boys home with them. I was so happy to see all of them! We had fun doing a little shopping, playing games and, again, going out to dinner!
While the new year started a few days ago, tomorrow feels like the beginning since it'll be getting back to "normal" routines. I loved the whole holiday "life" we've been living for the past couple of weeks, but I'm ready for some normalcy.
As for 2010, I'm pretty excited to see what it holds!