Thursday, March 27, 2008

Birthday week

Let me start by saying that I had a wonderful birthday. However I woke up sick the next morning and that's why I haven't posted. I'm still a bit under the weather, but I actually did my hair and put on something other than sweats today, so that's an improvement.

Back to my birthday... what a great day! In the morning my friend Kayla and I took our kids to an open play gym which was a blast. Here's Roman jumping in a ball pit:

From there we headed to Tim Horton's - YUM - before coming back home. When we were here I let my kids watch a movie so I could play with my new toy, and iPod touch. That was the big gift Jeff had for me, to replace both my old Palm and my iPod. It is SO cool.

Later that day we all headed out to dinner where we were having a whole bunch of friends meet us. Unfortunately several people couldn't come because they (or their kids) were sick, but we still had a big group and a lot of fun.

It was a very HAPPY birthday! :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008


We had a slow, lazy morning today until we headed out for an Easter egg hunt. We headed to one hosted at a Barnes & Noble. I prefer the ones at parks, but indoor was more suited to today's weather. It was a lot of fun too, they read an Easter story, then had a hunt in sections of the store followed by a craft - the boys made adorable bunny ears. After that we went out to lunch as a family which was fun. Probably more fun for me than Jeff as he was up three times for bathroom runs. At least we're out of diapers! :)

So now the kids are asleep and the "bunny" has visited -- Jeff and I filled a couple dozen eggs with jelly beans and such and hid them around the living room and kitchen. We also put some in their baskets with a couple fun treats like new sidewalk chalk.

Oh, and the mail today included a birthday card and a birthday present. I haven't opened either yet, I'm enjoying the suspense. Jeff has something going on too, he's been planning and ordering since before I went to NY. I'm pretty impressed, he is not usually good at planning ahead. I am very excited to see what he did, I really have no idea...

Happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It's Wednesday, I've had to remind myself of that a few times today. Who knows why, I just kept losing track. The boys and I had two friends over today to dye Easter eggs with us. It was a blast. A little crazy, but worth it. The eggs look wonderful.

Roman is my potty-training champion. He's amazing. Really. I can't take credit for his training, I was opposed to doing it this soon! He's pretty much done it himself. Thank you God! Compared to our drawn-out struggles with potty training Trey, Roman was like a light switch. One day he was in diapers, the next, underwear. Yeah for Roman! Now what to do with that big cupboard that has held diapers for as long as we've been in this house...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trip to NY

With Jeff's schedule a bit crazy right now I decided to take the boys up to NY for a few days. We left on Monday and stayed until Friday. We spent the majority of the time with my parents and Jeff's parents, we also saw my brother and sis-in-law a couple of times. Here are a couple of other things we did:

Cuddling with my cat Wylie, who now lives with my mother-in-law:

A trip to the farm of old family friends to see the horses and ducks:

And a long-overdue visit with my cousin Brook and her beautiful family (there were too many great pics to choose just a couple!):

Columbus Under Snow

Last weekend's big news was our blizzard. Columbus got hit with our biggest storm in 100 years. It was really impressive, we were buried by over 20 inches in just over 24 hours. Jeff and I were so excited about it! We took the boys and the dogs out to a local park to sled. There were a few other families there and we had a blast. I love sledding, I went down with the boys and even by myself a few times. The next day Jeff took the boys outside to play in our yard, they built a really great fort, Trey said he was a bear and called it his den. :)

Here are a couple of pics of them outside, in the first one you can kind of see the fort behind the boys.

Potty Training

Wow, it's been a long time since a post. Let me try to catch up, starting with Roman potty training. I wasn't going to start any potty training yet after the nightmare that was potty training Trey. Roman is not yet 2 1/2. He, however, had other ideas. He was ready to start training. He started asking to get on the potty, then going pee on it! He was doing it consistently enough that I couldn't not encourage him. It's been less than two weeks and he is pretty much potty trained. That's about 50 weeks less than the amount of time it took Trey! :)

Here he is on the potty and showing off his new big-boy underwear.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


It's Sunday afternoon and decent weather. As soon as Jeff gets home we're hoping to head out to the park to do some running around with the kids. I don't think I posted on here that he got a great part in the musical he auditioned for. The musical is Godspell and he has the part of Jeffrey. He played the same part when he was in it about 11 or 12 years ago. We are so excited about him getting the part. His schedule is pretty intense, five rehearsals a week for four or five weeks, then probably even more than that for a week or two until the shows start, then they have 13 performances! It might not be an easy month or two, but it's a pretty short amount of time to sacrifice for Jeff to get to do this. And, while he's gone, I'm going to keep scrapbooking most nights. I'd like to be more caught up than I am. Right now I'm doing some older stuff to catch up, as well as doing current stuff to keep current.

Here's a page I did the other day of Roman earlier this year:

And one I did with pictures of us almost a year and a half ago: